1. Slim-massage

The Thai slim-massage - special technology of intensive Thai massage with use of natural Thai cream for weight loss on herbs.
He can be as the general (work with all over), and local (when special attention is paid to correction of problem zones: hips, stomach, legs, hands).
Regulation of fatty exchange, improvement of a lymphatic drainage, disposal of hypostases, splitting and removal of the available fats, removal of toxins and slags. Slim massage increases elasticity of skin, improves a tone of muscles.

Duration is 60 min. - 3400 rub.

2. Wrap with a laminaria

  • Rasparivaniye in a sauna or a cedar barrel at choice of 30 min.
  • Massage with a srub of 30 min.
  • Wrapping with seaweed a laminaria of 30 min.

Laminarias are applied to larger anti-cellulite and medical effect. The laminaria contains an iodine in an organic look thanks to what it completely усваивается organism. Also Bromum and a collagen which promote rising of elasticity of your skin is a part of a laminaria. The wrapping is recommended in a complex with anti-cellulite massage.

Duration 1,5 hours - 5500 rub.

3. Way to perfection

This look massage - this combination of slim-massage and thai traditional massage with use of the Thai cream on herbs for weight loss and the Thai balm on grass. The Thai massage improves exchange of a lymph and a lymph flow, and also improves a metabolism. The combination of these two types of massages yields fine result - weight loss, lifting of skin and improvement of health.

Duration is 2 hours - 6300 rub.

The actions operating in salon:

From 10:00 to 17:00 since Monday on пятницу 1 hour of any massage - 1900 rubles.
Foot massage - 1700 rubles 1 hour.
The gift certificate - 2300 rubles.